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Sustainable Bike CoOp


Our Mission

Our Vision

Our Values

To create a safe, inclusive environment where all community members can learn bike repair skills and access tools and work space to grow a thriving bike community in the Wenatchee Valley.

We envision a community where bike riding is affordable, accessible, and safe, and where everyone has an opportunity to bike for commuting, recreation and camaraderie.

Education demystifies how bikes work and helps riders repair and ride safely. Educated 

riders are confident and empowered riders. They're better able to safely navigate a community where cars and trucks dominate the roadways.


Community Building Biking is a socioeconomic equalizer. A bike co-op is accessible to all, from those who do not consider bikes a part of their daily life to seasoned riders looking for a place to gather, work on bikes or take classes. All are welcome and encouraged to participate and volunteer.


Advocacy for all things biking helps to improve community awareness of riders, improves safety and promotes thoughtful development of future bike routes and infrastructure.


Sustainability An increase in community members who ride, repair and advocate for bikes translates into fewer discarded bikes, reduced carbon emissions, and leads to a healthier, more interconnected community.

Take our community biking survey

Encuesta sobre el uso de la bicicleta en la comunidad

with Us


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