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Volunteer with us!

If you're looking for a way to make a positive impact on the environment locally, we're looking for volunteers! Read below about our current opportunities. Email our volunteer coordinator at with questions.

Volunteer Opportunities

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Please complete the form to get involved. 

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Earth Day Fair Committee

We need your help in planning the biggest event of the year! Volunteers can help work on venue logistics, recruit new vendors, get donations for the silent auction, and help advertise the event in our community. Volunteers who are bilingual in English/Spanish would be especially helpful! And of course, when the event comes (Saturday closest to Earth Day, April 22nd), you can help make sure the day goes smoothly. 

This committee meets November through April, starting once a month, then moving to every other week at the beginning of the year, and finally weekly in the few weeks leading up to Earth Day in late April. We meet in the evenings, typically on Tuesdays, in-person at the KOHO CoOp, 32 N Mission St (Zoom available). Volunteer time commitment: varies depending on season, from 2-10 hours a month.

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Fundraising Committee

Maybe not the most glamorous work, but possibly the most important. Be a part of a team that enables us to achieve our mission. In the fundraising committee, we work with the board of directors to set goals and reach them through fundraising events, growing our membership program, encouraging individual donations, and adding more business sponsorships. 


This committee meets just every other month in the evening on Zoom on various weekdays. Volunteer time commitment: 1-3 hours a month.

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Entrance to the Earth Day Fair, 2023

Partnerships & Outreach Committee

This committee brainstorms ideas of how to get involved in our community, especially through partnerships with other local organizations and businesses. Plan fun events like educational workshops, presentations to student groups, and involvement in community events like the Toward Zero Waste at Apple Blossom efforts.


This committee meets in person (Zoom available) every month or two in the evening at the KOHO CoOp, 32 N Mission. Volunteer time commitment: 1-4 hours a month. 

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Green Drinks Aug 18 Yodelin.jpeg

Waste Wizard Committee

Anchor 4
Green Drinks at Yodelin, Aug 2018

Join our team of wizards who continually improve this tool, and who work to increase the number of people using it. We spread the word by thinking of creative, low-cost ways to get the word out about the Waste Wizard. We are especially interested in help from Latinx folks, as we would like to increase usage of the Waste Wizard in Spanish.


This committee meets at the KOHO CoOp, 32 N Mission (Zoom available) once every 6-8 weeks, and the committee members are trained to do updates when their schedule allows. We also like volunteers to help put up fliers around town and pass out bookmarks at events. Volunteer time commitment: 1-4 hours a month. 

Bike CoOp Committee

Anchor 5

Sometime in our near future the doors will open for the Sustainable Bike CoOp, where community members can donate bikes, volunteers will repair and refurbish bikes to be distributed to our community, kids and adults can take classes on biking, bike repair and bike safety, and to serve as a general hub for all things sustainable bike related.


The first stages of getting a bike co-op off the ground include building partnerships, searching for funding, and finding a location for a bike co-op. Additionally, this committee will help organize free bike "parking" in corrals at the Wenatchee Farmer's Market.


This committee currently meets once a month on the first Monday of each month at the KOHO CoOp, 32 N Mission St. Volunteer time commitment: 2-4 hours a month. 

Ready to get involved?

To learn more about our committees, please contact us at You're welcome to observe a committee meeting before committing.


Thank you to our Platinum Sponsor: 

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© 2024 by Sustainable NCW

We have the incredible opportunity to live in the homelands of the P'Squosa / Wenatchi people. The importance of acknowledging the true history of this land cannot be overstated. Thank you to our valley's first stewards. To learn more, visit the Indigenous Roots & Reparation Foundation. 

Two Bears / Saddle Rock photo

 by Frank Cone

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